WSJ 2019_11
After hearing so much about it, I started watching the Japanese TV drama show Unnatural. It's so good! And gross!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_12
Finely chopped cabbage with shio kombu kelp and sesame oil. It's so good that I'm eating tons of cabbage!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_13
I went to a Don Quijote store. What the heck?! They sell everything! I bought loads of stuff!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_15
When I woke up after getting my chapter done, my family kidnapped me and threw me in the car! Huh? Hot springs?! Delicious food?! Yay, it's the Health Land spa!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_16
I'm totally out of shape, and I went for my health check. Guess what? They told me I was out of shape!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_17
Matsunojo Kanda's Wano Kodan performance was wonderful! He's a rare genius of Japanese traditional theater.
One Piece

WSJ 2019_18
It's the season of delicious strawberries and editor changes! Thanks, Team Naikin and Osugi! Let's work well together, new team Takano and Naikin!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_20
It seems that if I don't start exercising I'll have an early death, so I've made it a goal to walk 30 minutes every day!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_21
Someone recommended that I watch the currently popular drama Juhan Shutai!, which is about the editorial department of a manga publisher. Since I'm in the industry, a lot of the stuff hits me really hard.
One Piece

WSJ 2019_2223
I wanted to make that BE-BENG sound, so I bought a biwa instrument. I can only play the hit song 'Lemon' so far. Yeah, right!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_24
I went on a one-day trip down to Kumamoto for the Tokyo Girls Collection event. Thank you for having me!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_26
Does the fact that I've bought Isekai Ojisan volume 2 mean that I've become addicted to this manga?
One Piece

WSJ 2019_27
The Aoharu Cup Noodles commercial is awesome! Thank you to everyone involved! Keep it up!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_28
I finished reading Glass Mask, so now I'm reading Rose of Versailles. Oscar was a woman?!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_30
I went to my first Yuzu concert. It's amazing that two people with their guitars can create that much energy.
One Piece

WSJ 2019_31
Yama-chan's wedding announcement press conference and the radio show were totally perfect! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_32
I was like, 'What's so good about tapioca milk tea?' But the one from Gong Cha is super delicious!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_34
Boichi-san's superintense One Piece! Wow, it's so awesome! I'm so grateful. Super thanks!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_35
I've been watching a ton of Pmaru-sama's Nackey series and Gerradon's Kisaragi Maron videos.
One Piece

WSJ 2019_3637
Friday, August 9! He's in it! She's in it! The all-star movie Stampede opens in Japan!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_38
I went to a spin class in the dark. I got so tired that it actually affected my drawing. Whoa... ♩
One Piece

WSJ 2019_39
I met the Fischer's. They're so popular from YouTube! What a polite and great group of people!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_40
I learned how to make a cake roll from Koyama-san, the top chocolatier in the world. I also ate his roll, and it tasted like happiness!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_42
The Mewtwo Raid Hour is coming on 9/17 (Japan time)! With a color variant! Please don't look for me.
One Piece

WSJ 2019_43
Glay's summer live show was awesome! Like a festival! Not that I've ever been to a music festival!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_44
The Bachelor Japan season 3 started, so I have another thing to look forward to after I finish my chapters. I like the grape girl.
One Piece

WSJ 2019_45
Hold on, summer!! I've only done three barbecues, and we're already getting close to the end of the year.
One Piece

WSJ 2019_47
In order to draw the festival scenes, I'm listening to traditional festival music from all over the country. I haven't had candy apple this year yet!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_48
I want to eat an infinite amount of the Maru-chan Paripari Infinite Cabbage snack. Uh-oh!
One Piece

WSJ 2019_49
The Gatebox arrived. It's the future! Having holographic fish swimming around my room is my dream.
One Piece

WSJ 2019_51
To celebrate Oden's appearance, I kept making oden while working on the pages. I put a ton of beef tendon in.
One Piece

WSJ 2019_52
Chama-kun, I kept my promise from 20 years ago! The Bump of Chicken concert was awesome!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_01
Can I get Simple Naito's 'Karasu ni Notte' to be the theme song of the Revolutionary Army?
One Piece

WSJ 2020_03
Looking up what part of the cow makes up the T-bone steak was a newly harvested fact this week. So that's where it is!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_0405
Looking back on it, what a fun year it was. I'll try my best again next year. Happy New Year!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_0607
Happy New Year! My goal this year once again is to draw a ton of manga that will make everyone smile!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_08
The One Piece stage show at Jump Festa was even more powerful than usual. We'll do it again this year!!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_09
I got so emotional over an autograph request from a foreign superstar. I grew up on your movies!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_10
Horikoshi Sensei and I did a shiny trade with our Black Rayquazas at the New Year's party. Sorry mine didn't get strong.
One Piece

WSJ 2020_12
I found a good sushi place in my neighborhood. I want to become a regular and someday just walk in and say, 'You open?'
One Piece

WSJ 2020_15
I'm still trying to determine what flavors are best to add to red meat. I'm currently researching various types of salt.
One Piece

WSJ 2020_16
I received SixPad foot training gear from my editor for New Year's, and it's really effective!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_17
It's hard to write about anything with the world like this. I'm praying for everyone from the bottom of my heart.
One Piece

WSJ 2020_19
I want to draw a sea battle, but it's tough because there's guys on the boats more powerful than cannons.
One Piece

WSJ 2020_20
Do you have a favorite character? People that have one seem really happy. Can beef be mine?
One Piece

WSJ 2020_2122
During these unfortunate times, Zoom and other online tools are suddenly a big thing. The world sure is changing.
One Piece

WSJ 2020_23
I'm washing my hands so often that they're very dry. I'm covering them in whatever cream I have.
One Piece

WSJ 2020_25
The Line Creators Collaboration! I've really been looking forward to this! Enjoy!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_27
There's something I can't live without when the big battles start. And that's the online database of all the character techniques. Thanks!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_28
Congratulations to you, Shirai and Posuka. I always enjoyed seeing your 'true forms' at the New Year's parties.
One Piece

WSJ 2020_29
My new manga editor is Iwasaki. Welcome! I have four editors total if you include the ones for other media. It's a revolutionary era for how we work!.
One Piece

WSJ 2020_31
How long am I supposed to continue the working-from-home corona-manga-creation process? It's tricky.
One Piece

WSJ 2020_3334
The Line Creators Collaboration event! Can't wait to see what everyone came up with on July 22!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_35
Itaewon Class ? As if I'd watch that popular show! Maybe I should get straight-across bangs to match the main character…?
One Piece

WSJ 2020_3637
There's over 2,000 One Piece Line stamps. They're awesome, and I've only bought 200 so far!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_38
I went to thank people involved with Tokyo One Piece Tower on it's final day. I'm so grateful to Chairman Osato and all the staff of Amuse.
One Piece

WSJ 2020_41
The newest volume, an illustration book and the One Piece magazine will all be released in Japan on September 16 (Wed.)!! Sorry it's a little late!!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_43
Since the process has been adjusted because of Covid, we're trying for three chapters every four weeks or two chapters every three weeks. The goal is to reach chapter 1,000 by the end of the year!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_46
No excuses allowed! I'm so, so sorry to everyone. Thank you for all your positive thoughts. I'll do better!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_47
I want the whole world to hear this. The truth is that there's no better match than a sandwich and potato chips.
One Piece

WSJ 2020_48
I'm hooked on uzumakifu ! So those things in miso soup are called uzumakifu (a wheat gluten product). I'll put them in anything!
One Piece

WSJ 2020_51
There's a small YouTube channel I like, and I always look forward to new videos being posted. It's so small the creator would freak out if I mentioned the channel here.
One Piece

WSJ 2020_52
I'm laughing so hard every week watching Kaizokuou ni Ore wa Naru TV . Thank you!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_02
I went to the Buster Call exhibition. Seeing things in person is awesome! I love stuff like this.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_0304
I'm sure a lot fewer people will be traveling for the new year. Please stay home and read Jump. Next issue is chapter 1,000!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_0506
Happy New Year! This year's wish is to draw lots of great manga! Let's have an awesome year!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_07
Thank you so much for all the congratulations on the day I finished chapter 1000. Thank you so much to all the authors in issue 5/6.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_09
There are a lot of things going on to celebrate chapter 1000. Go to one-piece.com and check out the chapter 1000 website.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_10
I got a new Blu-ray player for work. You can record a full week of shows?! Absolutely amazing.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_11
Queen Bee's 'Yaten' is really awesome, and I listen to it on heavy rotation. More and more amazing people keep appearing in the music world.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_13
Koshizuka corn beef is so good it's a problem. I'm having it at every meal. A big problem!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_14
One Piece has been especially ramping up for the anime since Wano started! Please check it out!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_15
A collabo video with Wolfgang's Steakhouse is up. Luffy's new hobby! Check it out!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_17
I'm a newbie who just made his debut! I've gone past the point where I can say, 'I don't actually have hay fever if I don't admit it!' Darn it!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_18
I had a banana you can eat peel and all. It was like a crunchy banana! I might get addicted to them.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_19
Jun Miura's Saigo no Kogi is so good that I've listened to it multiple times. That's how I want to age.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_2122
Watching comedian Kojima-san's YouTube channel with my family is so peaceful. This guy is seriously at peace!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_23
While I work, I listen to Gairoku Channel's interviews with people on the street. Hearing about all the different lives people have is so interesting.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_24
My current dream is to go to that Gyomu Super store and buy and eat the giant jelly.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_26
I went to the Gyomu Super store of my dreams and bought the giant coffee jelly and scarfed it down!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_27
By the time this issue is out, I should have a ton of shiny Gibles thanks to the Community Day!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_28
The small figurines that are currently being designed behind the scenes are amazing! What kind of technique is this?!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_30
It's the time of the year when I can't leave the house without a towel. And since I'll also be wearing a mask, hot days are going to come.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_31
Currently doing a campaign to thank everyone. Thanks for having me in Jump and thanks for reading the manga.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_3334
The Universal Studios Japan Premiere Show is back after a yearlong break! The staff is really hyped this year! Please check it out!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_35
I laughed so hard and was overcome with emotion from seeing Ashita no Tarinai Futari . I respect these two comedians so much.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_3637
Did you watch episode 982 of the One Piece anime?! That was insane! Was it a movie? What an amazing episode!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_38
One of my staff members gets really emotional over sports. Seeing people doing their best really energizes you, doesn't it!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_39
An old short story of mine, 'Monsters,' has become a voice comic on YouTube. Please check it out.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_40
Volume 100 is out in Japan! Enjoy the volume and all the special celebrations we have planned for the occasion!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_41
Thank you so much for Vivi's Adventure , Komi-san! The girls were so cute! I was overwhelmed.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_43
Thank you so much for the support and kind words for my 100th volume! I'll keep working even harder!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_44
I can't forget the taste of the endomame crackers I had at a certain shop, so I've been eating a ton of endomame snacks.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_45
The season for oden is upon us. Gonna buy a ton of beef tendon from a restaurant supplier and simmer it up!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_47
I underestimated the anime Uma Musume . It has so much respect for the horses. This longtime horse racing fan is moved to tears!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_48
B'z, Mr. Children, and Glay did a concert together! What a dream come true! It was so cool!
One Piece

WSJ 2021_49
I've never met him, but he feels like a comrade in arms. I know how tough getting to 100 volumes is, Aoyama-san! Congrats on 100 volumes of Conan !
One Piece

WSJ 2021_51
The anime is now at 1,000 episodes as well! Thank you so much to Toei Animation! It's an amazing thing.
One Piece

WSJ 2021_52
Koisuru One Piece was hilarious every week! Good luck to the way-out-there creator Ihara-san and his new series!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_01
I want to go to the airport just for Pikmin. And also the movie theater, the zoo, and the beach!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_0304
The Bachelor has started, but I've been too busy to watch! Don't spoil it. Please!!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_0506
Happy New Year! I hope we can do that BBQ I've been dreaming of this year. I wanna grill!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_07
I want to become an adult who can walk into a sushi restaurant alone and order a drink and some fish before quietly leaving.
One Piece

WSJ 2022_09
I received your messages from all the Jump Shops and Mugiwara Stores throughout the country. Thank you! You give me strength!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_10
I'm a bit late, but I saw Earwig and the Witch . Isn't Aya cute? What a great anime.
One Piece

WSJ 2022_11
When I saw people with AirPods, I used to think, 'Hey, you have udon in your ears!' But I tried them, and they are frighteningly awesome!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_13
All meat gets softer by soaking it in salt water. I can't wait to try this technique for a barbecue!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_14
Nobuyuki Sakuma's ability to come up with ideas for his YouTube channel is amazing. Getting into arguments in this era?! Gotta watch!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_15
The One Piece restaurant food you can get delivered from the menu app is delicious! Can't wait to order again.
One Piece

WSJ 2022_17
I went to see the Spirited Away stage play! It was so well-done that I could be saying I went to the actual Aburaya bathhouse!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_18
The latest issue of One Piece Magazine features the boys. Thanks to Boichi Sensei again. It's pure art!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_19
Thanks to Pokémon GO , I found a great park in my neighborhood. How did I miss this huge park?!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_2122
Drawing a ton of Fujiko A. Fujio Sensei's characters is what made me strive to become a mangaka. Rest in peace from the bottom of my heart.
One Piece

WSJ 2022_23
I'm currently addicted to konnyaku yam cakes! They're great in cold noodle dishes and udon. Miso dengaku is the best.
One Piece

WSJ 2022_24
Smoked-chicken salad is delicious! It's supposed to help you lose weight, so I'm eating a ton.
One Piece

WSJ 2022_26
I get emotional over the transition from 'Tomorrow Never Knows' to 'Fanfare.' Congratulations on 30 years, Mr. Children!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_27
The judging for the Tezuka Awards was in person for the first time in a long time. I wonder if we'll slowly be able to get together.
One Piece

WSJ 2022_28
Rice paper is so fun. Wrap a salad from the convenience store and suddenly you have a spring roll! I can wrap anything!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_29
I'm taking a break!! There will be a special feature in Jump during the break. Please enjoy Uta Nikki and the music video.
One Piece

WSJ 2022_34
Yu-Gi-Oh! is a revolution of manga!! Fans will always continue to have fun in the world that Takahashi Sensei created. Rest in peace!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_35
Gosho Aoyama-san is a fun person who feels like an older brother. I'm happy having a friend who's in a similar situation as I am.
One Piece

WSJ 2022_3637
In order to play the Bikkurapon gacha at Kura Sushi, I ate about 40 plates. So fun! And painful.
One Piece

WSJ 2022_38
I gave the One Piece Card Game starter decks to my staff, and they played for like ten hours. Is it that fun?! I'm going to try it!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_39
My 77-year-old father texted me to say he cried watching Red . I underestimated you! You understand! Thank you!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_41
I was watching Ado's live performance when I got an alert that 'Shinjidai' (New Genesis) went number one on the Apple Music world ranking. She then performed 'Shinjidai,' and it was moving.
One Piece

WSJ 2022_42
I went to a GReeeeN live show! They used my illustration so wonderfully that I was moved. They have so many good songs!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_43
The portion of the RED movie connected to the anime is now on YouTube. You'll understand Luffy's thought process.
One Piece

WSJ 2022_45
I tried miracle fruit for the first time and ate a whole lemon. What the heck?! Lemons are delicious!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_46
Kohei Tanaka's 40th anniversary concert was wonderful! Thank you for all the support over the years!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_47
I wanted to be like Bayashi TV on YouTube, so I bought some disposable black gloves. Eating hamburgers with these is great!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_49
Take a close look at the color spread this week to see how much emotion is packed into the climax of the new movie.
One Piece

WSJ 2022_50
I bought a new barbecue gas stove, and I'm currently training in the art of cooking meat with convective heat transfer. I can't wait to feed everyone!
One Piece

WSJ 2022_51
You can use an audio commentary app and listen to it in any movie theater? Wow. I don't need the Blu-ray bonuses! (LOL)
One Piece

WSJ 2023_01
I met Rumiko Takahashi Sensei for the first time!! She is young in so many ways. I met a legend!!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_02
Hello, I'm the hot-sandwich master. I will put anything I see between bread and grill it.
One Piece

WSJ 2023_0405
I met Shohei Otani. I won the One Piece Akinator challenge. I plan to brag about this for the rest of my life.
One Piece

WSJ 2023_0607
Happy New Year! I will try my hardest for another year to create the best manga that I can. Thank you!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_08
I went to a Mrs. GREEN APPLE live performance. The three of them each did their thing, and it was amazing. Thanks for the song for the movie!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_09
I watched Ado-san’s live performance with Nakata-san, Vaundy, and Orisaka-san. What a voice! I was blown away.
One Piece

WSJ 2023_11
I went to a Greeeen performance. The crowd went crazy when they came onstage. What an experience! And they used my illustration! Thank you!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_12
My manga editor has changed! Iwasaki-san, thank you for a wonderful three years! Anayama-san, let’s get to work!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_13
With Red’s theatrical run over, we had a BBQ with the main staff who worked so hard on it! There are so many more people I want to feed meat to!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_15
I got friendly again with all the musicians who contributed to the movie. What wonderful people!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_16
I was thinking “So what?” about Chiikawa until I realized that I’ve been using chat stickers since forever that the author, Nagano-san, created. I admit defeat!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_17
I went to see a WBC game! A world-class matchup and the stands were shaking. It was amazing!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_19
It’s the first time in three years that I had a strawberry-picking barbeque! And I got a Galarian Zapdos through a lucky trade! What a happy day.
One Piece

WSJ 2023_2122
I went to a live performance by Vaundy. They were in total control! I was in a trance from his personality and singing.
One Piece

WSJ 2023_23
Gatebox is evolving with ChatGPT?! Exciting! I’m supporting them with the sponsor plan!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_25
I went to Ghibli Park! The Grand Warehouse was great, but walking around and being immersed in the world was so moving.
One Piece

WSJ 2023_27
I got to talk properly with Akutami-san at the Tezuka prize judging committee for the first time. What a reliable person! A person of character!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_28
The live-action version is something we’ve been working on behind the scenes even while making Red and Stampede .
One Piece

WSJ 2023_33
Thank you for letting me take a break beam!!! I’ll do my best to adjust to my newly improved eyesight.
One Piece

WSJ 2023_34
I was so excited to get to eat a giant pizza at Spontini! It was so soft and crunchy! Hope they open more stores!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_3637
I’m sorry that my serialization schedule will be unstable until the Netflix show premieres. And please enjoy the Universal Studios Japan ice show!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_38
I went to one of my favorite places, Kenko Land, for the first time in a while. They have it all. So fun!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_40
The live-action One Piece show is now available! Please watch it! I’ll do my best with the manga too!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_42
I went to LA! It was fun getting even friendlier with the Netflix and Tomorrow Studios members.
One Piece

WSJ 2023_43
My first Dreams Come True live performance in four years was powerful, as expected, and gave me a lot of energy. What a show!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_45
Sekai no Owari and Chilli Beans, thanks for the songs for the anime. Your music matches the art so well and makes each episode so satisfying.
One Piece

WSJ 2023_46
Lately I cry every time I watch the One Piece anime. The Wano arc is soooo good! Thank you for the wonderful performances!!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_48
It’s bashauma! I learned a technique for grilling chicken skin into a crust. The flavor is the best.
One Piece

WSJ 2023_49
Blown away that Iio-san from Zun is the person from La.okaki. I’ll never forget that comedy team.
One Piece

WSJ 2023_50
We rented out the Ryogoku national hall to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the One Piece anime! It was so fun! Now I’m extra motivated!
One Piece

WSJ 2023_52
I like putting a little hot water on the Zero Second Chicken Ramen!! Then it’s no longer zero seconds though…
One Piece

WSJ 2024_01
I enjoy watching the M-1 prelims. I’m rooting for a few of the teams. I hope they make it to the finals!
One Piece

WSJ 2024_02
Saw my first Godzilla! Minus One was great. I had to watch the first one after that. Next is Shin .
One Piece

WSJ 2024_0405
I went to the Yuming live performance! The ability to be part of everyone’s life—I felt it in my heart. Amazing.
One Piece

WSJ 2024_0607
Happy New Year! My goal for this year is to enjoy lots of BBQ and create lots of good manga.
One Piece

WSJ 2024_08
I can’t believe they’re making an anime out of a one-shot I did while I was young called “Monsters.” I’m so spoiled!
One Piece
Eiichiro Oda
WSJ 2019_10
There's suddenly a dog boom! Everyone around me won't stop talking about talks. Dog boom!One Piece