WSJ 2019_12
This is our seventh year! Thank you for your support! I want to keep creating a manga that makes people happy!

WSJ 2019_14
The Musashinomori Sports Plaza has a roof that looks like it would be a major pain to draw.

WSJ 2019_15
Thank you for all the Valentine's Day chocolate. One box seemed like a trap though. Preserved tsukudani seaweed in a heart-shaped container!

WSJ 2019_17
I'm sorry. I have to travel far for some research, so Haikyu!! will be off next week.

WSJ 2019_19
How long is this season where I want to pull out my eyeballs going to last?! My eyes are red! They're bright red!!

WSJ 2019_20
If only everything in life had the same feeling as a good meal. Then I'd be able to work hard at everything!

WSJ 2019_21
Thank you for all the votes for the best game poll! Drawing those pages was so much fun!

WSJ 2019_2223
My friend from my hometown came to visit me, so we went to the Tokyo Skytree for the first time. It was exciting!

WSJ 2019_25
I went to the Haikyu!! Tokyo no Jin stage play! Nohebi is so cool! Also, I saw my second Lamborghini!

WSJ 2019_26
I got the flu during the New Year's break, and I got a cold during Golden Week. Not getting sick was my only positive attribute...

WSJ 2019_27
Lately I've been enjoying drinking whisky and watching the Paranormal Activity movies.

WSJ 2019_28
I visited a location for research purposes, but I really want to go back for fun. I'll definitely go once the series is over!

WSJ 2019_29
Ahh... Food Wars! finally concluded. Congratulations! Let's go drinking again, Tsukuda Sensei!

WSJ 2019_30
My old friend Kohei Uchida's Tokyo Yohei Kabushikigaisha volume 1 is now on sale in Japan!

WSJ 2019_31
I'm so sad the Universal Studios Japan cinema gallery closed. I wish I had gone one last time.

WSJ 2019_32
My mechanical pencil that's worked so hard for me has finally broken. I feel guilty about throwing it out...

WSJ 2019_33
My assistant fixed the mechanical pencil I thought was dead. Looks like I'm back in business.

WSJ 2019_34
Congratulations on the conclusion of Hinomaru Sumo! I learned so much! Get some rest!

WSJ 2019_35
I was drawing manga for so long that I bruised the bottom of my feet. Be careful about working on manga too long.

WSJ 2019_3637
I pray that all the creators who have provided so much joy can rest in peace.

WSJ 2019_38
My mom sends me important paperwork, and while she's at it she also includes grilled fish in the same package.

WSJ 2019_39
It's been so many years, but I had some barley tea and it was delicious. It reminded me of my childhood...

WSJ 2019_40
I went to the Takeshi Obata Exhibit! I got too close to the art and got yelled at by the staff. Sorry!

WSJ 2019_41
Sometimes I receive beautiful flowers as a gift... I put them in my house, but they just die. Then I'm filled with guilt...

WSJ 2019_42
I've been drawing while standing recently, but I was doing a nioh stance so firmly that I hurt my pinky.

WSJ 2019_43
It's been ten months since I've switched to my smartphone, and I still go, 'Where's my phone?' even when it's right by me.

WSJ 2019_44
This week was the first time ever that I wanted to draw manga more than eat food. I merely thought about it, though. I still ate food.

WSJ 2019_45
The movies I have on while I'm working are usually ones that I've seen before, but Babe makes me cry every time.

WSJ 2019_46
Sorry, I'll be taking another break next week. Please stick with me just a little longer after that.

WSJ 2019_48
My best wishes to everyone who suffered in the typhoon. I pray that everyone recovers as soon as possible.

WSJ 2019_49
I went to Brazil in May and learned that Kamehameha is a technique that's known all around the world!

WSJ 2019_50
One of my amazing assistants, Aoki-kun, is drawing a five-chapter series on Jump+ called Sensenruten!

WSJ 2019_51
I had a really, really, really precious talk with Kunihiro Shimizu of the Panasonic Panthers. Thank you!

WSJ 2019_52
I went to Hirakata Park for the first time in my life for research. The crazy mouse ride is seriously crazy!

WSJ 2020_01
I went to Sendai for the first time in a while. I had beef tongue bento, sasakama fish cakes and beer on the bullet train! So good!

WSJ 2020_02
My cold refuses to get better to a ridiculous degree! What happened to the body that used to recover after a good night's sleep?!

WSJ 2020_03
I don't care if it's the only one I can use, I want to learn the Accio spell from Harry Potter. Where's my mechanical pen?

WSJ 2020_0405
Thank you for another wonderful year in 2019! I wish everyone a great New Year!

WSJ 2020_08
I drew that Tibetan sand fox face on my new year's otoshidama gift to my niece, but she didn't react at all.

WSJ 2020_09
My favorite horror movie I saw in 2019 was the Spanish film VerĂ³nica. Loved it.

WSJ 2020_10
I was 90 minutes late to the Jump New Year's party, which lasts around two hours. Someday I'm going to destroy myself with my lack of punctuality.

WSJ 2020_12
I get happy when my sound effects are complimented. Due to my father's influence, I've always liked lettering.

WSJ 2020_16
It's eight years and 19 days since the series started. Thank you so much! Please stick with me a little longer!

WSJ 2020_17
I sometimes receive 'can I really have this?' gifts from readers. Can I really?

WSJ 2020_18
My assistant gave me some good-quality rice and eggs for my birthday! Time for superluxurious eggs on rice!

WSJ 2020_19
When I'm under pressure, the dreams I have involve getting struck by lightning and being in falling elevators.

WSJ 2020_20
I know things are rough right now, but the calm will someday return. Let's get over this and all eat delicious food.

WSJ 2020_2122
My niece has started elementary school. So has the child of one of my assistants. Congrats!

WSJ 2020_24
Even if the chances to show it off have disappeared, the muscles I gained are still there. Right?!

WSJ 2020_25
It feels weird to think that I was in Brazil a year ago. I hope everyone's staying healthy!

WSJ 2020_26
I'm so grateful that I'm allowed to use the real V.League logo in the manga, for extras in the graphic novels and in advertisements.

WSJ 2020_27
Thanks to everyone who submitted for the best lineup poll. The all-star team created by the fans is too powerful!

WSJ 2020_28
Shirai Sensei, Demizu Sensei, congratulations on the conclusion of your series! Eat something delicious!

WSJ 2020_29
I feel bad about making my assistants draw large arena crowds every week. Thank you so much!

WSJ 2020_31
I'm really looking forward to the battle between the brass instruments and taiko drums in the anime version of the Inarizaki match. Oh, I'm so grateful!

WSJ 2020_32
I hope a time comes soon when tournaments like the Olympics will be able to take place again!

WSJ 2020_3334
I was so lucky to get to share the magazine with so many beasts of the industry! See ya!

WSJ 2022_2122
They're gonna do a crazy event like this again? I'm so grateful! Let's all watch live volleyball!
Haruichi Furudate
WSJ 2019_10
I have someone who cleans for a few hours a week. The joy of waking up and everything being clean is incredible!Haikyu!!