WSJ 2019_40
I got my brother to draw the background on the chapter title page. He's superfast at drawing forests and trees. Give me those skills!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2019_41
I didn't notice the mosquitoes in my room because of my earplugs and ended up being bitten all over.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2019_42
Kaldi's cold brew coffee is so good! I'm drinking it like crazy as if it was barley tea. Maybe that's why I can't sleep.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2019_43
My nephew is about two years old and is supercute, but the way he moves around and acts is totally like an old man.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2019_44
I'm happy it's cooled down after a hot stretch. Every year I catch a cold from the lingering summer heat, but I was okay this year.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2019_45
Satoko Miyahara's final poses in her new routines for both short program and free skate are so cool. I also like the musical arrangements.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2019_46
If God appeared before me, I think I'd make the same wish as Doburock in their comedy skit. Please give me a giant...
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2019_47
I believe that the Griffin in Men in Black 3 showed the colonel the future of his son, J.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2019_48
Pocahontas and Belle are really great Disney heroines, but the best is, of course, Esmeralda.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2019_49
Jason Browns's free skating makes me cry, but Keegan Messing's short program makes me cry even more. Uh-oh!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2019_50
Yuzuru Hanyu and Alexandra Trusova are too good! Also, my brother had twin girls! Good luck and congratulations!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2019_51
I'd like to thank my editor for the gifts of herb tea and the Anne of Green Gables merchandise. He knows my girlish tastes well!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2019_52
I want some friends who also love Doraemon: Nobita's Diary on the Creation of the World. Nobita's genealogy is Phoenix-level amazing.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_01
Is there anything greater in life than the catharsis of pulling out a big booger or a giant piece of earwax?
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_02
A cardboard planisphere is pretty good. Not that I can see much in Tokyo with all the bright lights though.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_03
My only joy in life is depleting my editor's Line app points by bombarding him with Kuro-chan stamps.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_0405
Yuzuru Hanyu and Nathan Chen were amazing, but my personal MVP was Kévin Aymoz in the kiss and cry area.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_0607
There's such a big difference between me—who far from being married, has zero experience in the romance department and is on the verge of gaining magical powers—and my main character!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_08
When I watch the Heidi anime I almost always cry at the scene with Peter's grandmother. I want to go to Switzerland.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_09
My introvert power level is 530,000, and my editor worried about me so much at the New Year's party that he turned into ash at the end of the night.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_10
I finally got to see The Hobbit Trilogy: Extended Edition. Radagast and Bombur just get better and better.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_11
I want to become a Tolmekia soldier from the Nausicaa manga and die protecting Princess Kushana.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_12
The line 'Sure, after you are dead' in The Moomins is so harsh that it always cracks me up.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_13
When I think of Chopin's Ballade No.1, Yuzuru Hanyu and The Pianist are battling it out in my mind.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_14
I'm enjoying watching the energetic Mister on the new Dodesho episodes. Director Fujimura's snoring is the worst.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_15
I'm a little late, but Shakira's halftime show was amazing! Her hips truly do not lie. It's art!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_16
Not that I have any influence, but I'm rooting for the Canadian World Park in Ashibetsu. I hope it can recover.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_17
The purple crystal I have on my desk soothes me. Human society is difficult, so I want to be reborn as a stone in the next one. Like a fluorite.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_18
What a performance by Muramoto and Reed to the music of Ryuichi Sakamoto in the PyeongChang Olympics. I still rewatch it.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_19
Thank you so much, Shirai Sensei! I'm glad to have a comrade! Let's both serve Her Majesty!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_20
Miyuki Nakajima's Kannonbashi. I love it and listen to it all the time. Gooseberry.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_2122
I've been reading through Dragon Quest wikis to relax before bed these days. Especially the info on the classes in DQ VII .
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_23
I remembered that I can get my PC to flash in seven colors, but I got bored soon after turning it on. I was so excited when I bought it…
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_24
I'm having fun collecting money printed in the last year of the Heisei era and the first year of the Reiwa era. Very enjoyable to line them all up.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_25
The way Mike's mouth moves when he sings 'My Way' in Sing seems so real that I get emotional.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_26
I'm not a fan of gross stuff, but the food in the show Hannibal looks good. Perhaps because Mads is so sexy.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_27
I've been listening to the original PlayStation start-up sound on heavy repeat. My brain even re-creates the Capcom logo in my mind.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_28
I really like those characters like Futaro and Jintaro who are clearly villains, but you can't help but see their sadness in their face and posture.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_29
I shaved my head because it's so hot. I haven't touched my facial hair, and now I look like I run a ramen shop.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_30
I really like the duet between Elsa and a certain voice in Frozen II . It's great when two singers sing to each other.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_31
It's hilarious how Uno's face during a Smash Bros . match is as serious as when he's skating in the Olympics. And he's so good!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_32
I want some Nick merchandise, but this old guy doesn't have the courage to go to Kiddy Land alone.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_3334
Chatting with my assistants, the more cheerful I try to be, the more middle-aged-guy language I use.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_35
I drink a ton of Toughman and Ezoace energy drinks. Pretty sure my body is made up of Yakult and Tsuruha.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_3637
Uno-kun's icon for the Smash Bros . OmaYowa (You're Weak) Cup was Great Spirit, which I loved. Congrats on his win!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_38
My printer hadn't been working at all until I turned it on after a long break. An OS issue?
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_39
Crying with joy that it's the one-year anniversary of the series. Crying in pain that it's one year till I go to Hogwarts. Thank you!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_40
The insect-themed Japonica school notebooks are back! The butterfly on the back of the blank notebook is cute.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_41
I stuck my earplugs in my mouth when I was half asleep. It woke me up. Every time I think of that texture, it makes me feel gross.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_42
When I'm in the mood for sad music, Chihiro Onitsuka is at the top of the list. But I can't help thinking about flat chests and male anatomy that's too big.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_43
My other favorites are Kihira, Tuktamy, Uno, Kostornaia, Dai, Nakano, Machida, etc.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_44
I'm so happy they are making a Hazbin Hotel series! I hope they keep the naughtiness and zaniness of the pilot episode.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_45
My assistant Ryu Segawa Sensei has a story in Jump GIGA releasing on the 16th in Japan. Please give it a read!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_46
The best Resident Evil creature has to be G from 2. It's a full course of beautiful evolution.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_47
I'm super into Moomin again and wasting a lot of money online. I really wanna go to Scandinavia!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_48
I start my computer and get requests from Adobe to uninstall Flash. So sad.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_50
Yuzuriha Sensei, who has helped me so much, has a new series called Boku Yori Medatsu Na Ryugakusei on Jump+!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_51
I listened to the Yozakura voice comics and really tried to savor the experience. Good things do happen in life!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2020_52
I watched Baby Yoda on the SpaceX flight with astronaut Soichi Noguchi. Baby Yoda was definitely floating because of the Force.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_01
Tuktamysheva wins! Our Liza! What a veteran skater! Beautiful triple axel! The gem of Russia!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_02
I really want Mads's Grindelwald to Crucio and Avada Kedavra me.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_0304
My plan is to at least live long enough for us to receive a response to the Arecibo message.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_0506
I'm one of the people who read One Piece and decided to become a manga artist. I may never surpass it, but I'll never give up!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_07
I got the character I drew from the character gacha machine at Jump Festa in one try, so this has to be a lucky year!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_08
I'd like the Snow Art Museum in Asahikawa to be open again. It's so pretty, and there are so many things to use as reference material!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_09
Watching PUI PUI Molcar gives me so many feels that it makes me want to cry.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_10
I get moments when I want clear stones, alternated with moments when I want opaque stones. Right now it's opaque stones.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_11
The Image of the Day from the NASA app is soothing. I want my bones to be rocketed toward the Eagle Nebula.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_12
Watching a video of a horse's hooves being cleaned feels so good it gives me the shivers. I could watch it forever. It's the best.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_13
Thank you to my editor, who always listens to me talk about my rock-and-fish-specimen mini exhibitions.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_14
Volume 5, page 10, panel 1 should have been Rei Yozakura, not Shizuku Yozakura. I'm sorry to bring this up so late…
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_15
I put up a map of the world where I take my bath. It's fun learning about the national flags, population numbers and capitals.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_16
I'm so happy to be in this issue with Yagi Sensei, who has helped me so much. Muchi to no Sougu is a must read!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_17
I'm looking forward to the Akuma-kun anime. I hope Hyakume and Koumori Neko show up. Eloim essaim!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_18
Sometimes I want to experience the joy of being alive, so I rewatch a bunch of death scenes from Saw .
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_19
The figure skating world championships are back. I'm just so happy to see all the familiar faces doing well!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_20
I started doing weird dances for my health, and I immediately got a painful blister on my toe. Darn it.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_2122
I want to meet the Microsoft Office assistant characters Kairu and Saeko Sensei. I hope they bring them back!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_23
Maybe it's cuz I always wear sweats, but when I go out in normal clothes, I often forget to zip my fly. That was close!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_24
I got a pixelated Mario sticker for the home button on my cell phone, and now it's like I always have a star power-up.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_25
Honestly, I have many worries, but I will be persistent and work hard so that I can one day hold my head up high. Thank you so much!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_26
I'm a bit late, but congratulations to Mao-chan on finishing the Thanks Tour. I liked Cello Suites.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_27
Volume 1 of Boku Yori Medatsu na Ryugakusei by Yuzuriha Sensei, who was so kind to me, is now on sale in Japan!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_28
Cleaning silver with baking soda, aluminum foil, and hot water is so much fun!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_29
I'm so happy to be in the same issue as my assistant Segawa Sensei! Please read Kikaijikake no Aioraito !
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_30
A relative sent me some ammonites. One big one and a few small ones. Very helpful.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_31
I've been looking for the music for a children's song called Gorosuke Hoot Hoot , but haven't been able to find it.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_32
I'm emotional over the passion and fetishism of the video featuring Resident Evil 8's Dimitrescu being attacked with a flyswatter.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_3334
The videos of the love between Futaba-chan and her caretaker at the Kakegawa Flower and Bird Park hit me with the feels every time.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_35
I didn't know that the Chrome dinosaur jumping game had a ducking mode.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_3637
I liked the Torino Olympic medals because they looked like a Baumkuchen cake.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_38
My sock is barely keeping itself together without having any holes. As I walk around, it almost feels like I'm barefoot, but I'm okay. I think.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_39
I found a small spider in my cup and thus the top spot for freak-out of the year has basically been settled.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_40
Lately I'm singing like Yobikomi-kun every day. Soon I'm gonna turn into a Yobikomi-kun.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_41
I was finally able to defeat the sounds from my window AC unit with noise-canceling AirPods.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_42
Meeting with my editor at the Shueisha offices is a peaceful time of loudly singing 'The Bells of Notre Dame.'
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_43
During my meeting at Shueisha, I ran into the construction of a Yozakura exhibit in the lobby. Hype!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_44
I'm so grateful that I get to do this work. I'll keep going at my own pace.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_45
I'm so happy about all the special projects. I'm following things from the point of view of a reader.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_46
For my birthday I got a model of Wedge's Red Squadron helmet, and now I'm invincible.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_47
Thank you so much for everything until now, Azuma. Welcome aboard, Araki!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_48
I now have my down bedding, winter coat, warm blanket, and fuzzy slippers ready on standby.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_49
The latest Jump GIGA issue has my assistant Tatsuya Uemura's work Shiikuou Dolittle !
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_50
I'm sad that I only have two months left on my fox calendar. It's a different face every month. There's a handsome one this month.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_51
Of the Doraemons, I find Dora-med III the most relatable. Maharaja!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2021_52
Bagels are compact yet filling and are so delicious just by being toasted. The perfect breakfast.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_01
Were there this many woolly aphids in Tokyo? They attack your face and clothes and then just disappear. A fleeting life.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_02
I always have a little regular cola with my fried chicken. Hurray for oil and sugar!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_0304
Everyone had been doing so great in the Grand Prix of Figure Skating, especially Dai-chan and Wakaba!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_0506
I'm building a cityscape with all the Jump magazines I get. I'm scared that the whole thing is about to collapse.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_07
DeepL is so good that I'm a little less scared of using foreign online stores.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_08
I got some insoles for the slippers I wear in my studio that supposedly release far-infrared light. It's sketchy, but they're warm, so whatever.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_09
My editor bought me a green jasper stone from Izumo. I never get sick of looking at those twirly patterns.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_10
Lately I've been obsessive about checking whether my windows and doors are locked. Why am I so anxious?
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_11
The fox character file set at the Disney store is perfect for me. I ordered three.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_12
There are so many things to talk about with Olympic figure skating, but I recommend seeing Aymoz in the kiss and cry area.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_13
I'm looking forward to the morning TV drama about Professor Tomitaro Maki. Being able to participate in an event at the memorial gardens is a treasured memory.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_14
I loved the chapter about glass and calcite! Thank you for the exciting times!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_15
My editor gave me a Piplup manga, and now I've been exposed to something called Piplup ASMR.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_16
I underestimated my first crab-cream croquette in a while and suffered the greatest level of upper-mouth burn of my life!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_17
It's not like we celebrated Hina Matsuri, yet I have a ton of Hina crackers. I'm eating them every day.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_18
I have a T-shirt that I've owned for I can't even remember how long. It now has a hole near my left nipple.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_19
Sakamoto-san, Uno-kun, congratulations! Great job, Miyahara-san! I'll always remember all your wonderful skating in Pyongyang.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_20
For the Nintama Best Team vote, I pick Yamada Sensei and Happosai-sama. I'm looking forward to a battle of shiny hair.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_2122
I bought all the volumes of Fuuta-kun , a series etched in my parents' childhood memories. Fujiko A. Fujio's art and worldview is timeless.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_23
First Miyahara and now Tanaka. I'll be continuing to look forward to some great performances!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_24
I'm listening to the Zelda soundtrack. 'Song of Storms' is the most calming. And 'Saria's Song' too.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_25
I went for a walk by the river by my house, and there were a lot of softshell turtles. I wonder if they're edible.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_26
Lately I've been drinking Niwatoko tea and even putting it in my bath. I should start being able to use dark magic soon.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_27
I strained my neck, and it really hurts. The least painful position is to turn my neck to the bottom right, so I've been living posed like a sad Western painting.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_28
I keep hearing the faint sounds of the traditional folk song 'Soran Bushi' from my neighbor. Are they listening to it or dancing to it?
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_29
My brother dug up a gossip stone the size of a hand. Boyoyoyo-n!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_30
If I'm stuck on something, my editor feeds me Super Soda Gum. Foamy!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_31
My inner BGM when I drink Ohta Gastric Acid is the music when Mario gets a star. It can defeat even tempura and meat!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_32
The planets were all lined up, and I could see the moon, Mars, and even Jupiter from my house! I was so close to being able to see Saturn!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_33
I finally got an IKEA shark for my house. I put it on my head and pretend to be Future Boy Conan.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_34
I will work hard little by little and someday be an awakened warrior like Gagagigo.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_35
I can't wait for pro skater Hanyu's next performance! I also want to watch him do his classic performances again.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_3637
Fukuoka's Papio Ice Arena... Hongo-san is there, so I hope they can bring it back!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_38
Even when I cheat on my pillow with another one, I always go back to my Pipe pillow. Simple is best.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_39
My 'talking to myself while thinking' issue is getting worse. When I leave the house, I look so suspicious that it freaks me out and I want to cry.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_40
Joe Hisashi's 'It's Hard Work' and 'Dabohaze' are the best songs to start work off with.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_41
The cicadas on my neighbor's tree all start chirping around 4:30 a.m. every morning. It's very annoying.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_42
I forgot to put the pot in my rice cooker, and the water and rice messed it up. I better send it in for repairs.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_43
On the stone path at night, I fall hard and scrape my hands and feet. The pain, bad. The embarrassment, much worse.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_44
Malinin is spinning and jumping like crazy! And his jump routines are insane! Amazing!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_45
I was cleaning my printer that's been a warrior for ten years, and a part just disintegrated. Guess it was at the end of the line.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_46
Put a mountain of marmalade on toasted bread and chomp down on it to feel like Paddington.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_47
Magikoopa looks so good in the Mario movie. The glimmer of his glasses, the crystal clarity of the jewel in his staff and his fang!!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_48
The eye-patch Koopa is really cool. It seems to peak from the eye patch, so it's just for fashion, huh?
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_49
The Pillars of Creation photo captured with the James Webb telescope was so beautiful! I also liked how it looked like bubbles with the Hubble telescope.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_50
Congrats to Kana Muramoto and Daisuke Takahashi for winning! I'm sure Denis Ten would have been overjoyed to see it.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_51
The figure skating Grand Prix series was full of veterans and new skaters doing their best, and my emotions were infinite!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2022_52
I was trying to make a paper airplane out of junk mail and panicked when I forgot how to do it. I managed to finish it, but it didn't fly well.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_01
I often kick my blankets off during the night, so I got a clip to hold them together. It's great!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_02
I listened to different versions of Wicked . Jessica Vosk sounds so good, similar to Celine Dion.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_03
I finally got the Crocodile Dentist game. My terrified family and I played it while we laughed our butts off.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_0405
I saw Ryuichi Sakamoto's streaming concert. The last song is one of my favorites, and I really felt it.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_0607
I've been buffing myself during work by listening to 'Ore ha Impact (I Am Impact)' from Ganbare Goemon.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_08
Hoshi ni natta Chiro was one of the most precious things from my childhood. The fan letter reply I got is my treasure.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_09
The perfect drum playing in Yellow Magic Show 3 is seared into my eyes and ears.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_11
My bridge came off as I was chewing gum. My tongue escapes into the gap, so it’s hard to talk right now.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_12
I was looking at my stomach through a tiny camera and started laughing when it reminded me of a Björk music video.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_13
I had heard that Michael Bublé and Ikuzo Yoshi have similar voices, and it was the top aha moment I had in the last few years.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_14
I remember getting more excited over the conductor’s bathing scene than Maetel’s. A combination of romance and fear.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_15
I’m late to the party, but I’ve been moving around my house while doing Aurora’s penguin dance. So fun.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_16
The gargoyle statues that look down from the windows of the Peninsula hotel in Yurakucho are both creepy and cute.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_17
I’ve never seen the dental-care products they sell in the lobby of my dentist’s office, so I got all excited.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_18
It’s fun applying silicon spray to heavy doors that are squeaking. But now my floors are slippery.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_19
Both Japan and other countries were so amazing for the world championship! This year’s MVP was Kévin Aymoz at the kiss and cry!!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_20
The May issue of Ultra Jump that releases on the 19th in Japan features a new series by my former assistant Imamoto Sensei. Check it out!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_2122
By alternating between Todrick Hall and Enya, it’s like I’ll get in shape the same way I would by jumping between a hot bath and ice water.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_23
The skating world without Keegan is too sad. The star of my generation! The god of the sit spin!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_24
It’s fun to walk around the house like a bird called the American woodcock.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_25
Lately I’m addicted to Kinoko no Yama (Mountain of Mushrooms) biscuits, and I might have to move out of Team Takenoko no Sato (Takenoko Village).
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_26
Doing a bizarre dance to Yobikomi-kun Mini music is my morning exercise. Popo-po!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_27
I’ve been trying to feel fancy by pretending that hot water with nutrient supplements is flavored tea, but I’m failing.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_29
I tend to get sties from time to time, so I keep my eye medicine well stocked. Ouch!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_30
The live-action Beauty and the Beast movie always makes me cry around when Mr. Coat Rack catches Chip.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_31
What a great choice of Bachelorette and Roxanne from Matsuko. My personal favorite is The Sheltering Sky !
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_32
I’ve been listening to a bunch of different versions of “Poor Unfortunate Souls.” Ursula is wonderful. Tituss’s version is addicting.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_33
I’m super late, but a Yozakura novel is out. So if you have any interest, please check it out.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_34
I get a throat cold every year around this time. Is it a summer cold, or am I just worn-out from the heat? My throat hurts.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_35
I loved The Boy and the Heron so much that I couldn’t stop smirking. The main character was so nice. Love him!
Mission: Yozakura Family

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The Kiki family photo I saw on the internet was so awesome. I want it to inspire Yozakura.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_38
I’m an idiot who takes a sleep supplement so big that it gets stuck in my throat and then I can’t sleep.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_39
Just thinking about how I’m going to get to see Hanyu do a lot of cool things from now on is entertaining in and of itself.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_40
The editorial department sent me some beautiful flowers, and I’m currently putting them in vases. Thank you so much!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_41
Uno is creating the perfect rubber-man moves with his buffed-up Klimkin back muscles.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_42
I get emotional when I rediscover random Western movies I saw on satellite TV back in the day through the internet.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_43
The legendary meal set of ramen, gyoza, and fried rice at Hidakaya. My stomach may be trash, but it’s still got some fight left in it.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_44
I ordered clam onigiri from Bokoi Meshi Hompo in Muroran. They’re really good.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_45
I added an armrest to my desk, but I haven’t found the right position for it yet.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_46
I start to feel like my coloring style is stabilizing, but then it’s not. This is hard.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_47
I’m full of gratitude, and I also don’t feel worthy. But the gratitude is winning. I will cherish this!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_48
Watching The Godfather always makes me want to eat a cannoli. No bullets or poison, please.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_49
I saw Once Upon a Studio . Can’t believe I got to see a new Disney Robin Hood project this year.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_50
I still laugh over how Voldemort words the “We bow to each other” line in Japanese. It does leave a strong impression though.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_51
Elemental ! I’m a big fan of fire types who can create stuff with metal or glass.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2023_52
I just realized that the balance ball that I haven’t used at all makes for a good chair that keeps me awake.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2024_01
I don’t have a tradition of decorating a Christmas tree, but I like collecting the ornaments.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2024_02
I just bought a fox calendar for this year, and now I’m already buying one for next year. Time flies so fast it’s scary!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2024_03
I wanted to see the aurora in Hokkaido! That red curtain looks so beautiful. Thank you, magnetic storm.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2024_0405
I missed out on going to the Mineral Show this year, so I’m going to start coming up with a stone list for next year.
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2024_0607
I should have done this before, but I entered the Yozakura character names into my computer dictionary. It makes things so much easier, obviously!
Mission: Yozakura Family

WSJ 2024_08
This year I got a tea advent calendar. The tea was easy to drink, so I loved it.
Mission: Yozakura Family
Hitsuji Gondaira
WSJ 2019_39
Hello to those who know me and those who don't! I'll do my very best!Mission: Yozakura Family