

WSJ 2019_11

Rejoice! Tamawashi won the championship and his second child was born! So heartwarming! Good work to Kisenosato Yukata as well!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_12

I started looking up pro wrestling entrance songs. They pump me up. Especially Takada and Muto's themes.

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_13

The new opening and ending themes are great! I liked the ones before as well, but I can get into these news ones too.

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_14

Brother Yoshihisa Kobyashi and sister Risa Uehara have graduated from Okaasan to Issho! Thank you for all your years of hard work! High expectations for the new cast!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_15

I'm a little late but I received so many chocolates this year! Thank you all!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_16

Allergy season... It's here... Don't wanna go outside... Even inside... Sneezing so much...

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_17

The Hinomaru Sumo anime will soon be coming to and end! It went by so quickly... be sure to watch!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_18

Making comics for print... So many things need to be fixed, it's such a hassle (I did this to myself).

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_19

An undefeated victory for Hakuho! So strong! Just worried about injuries! Takakeisho also got promoted to ozeki! Both the young competitors and veterans are amazing!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_20

The anime has ended! It was great watching it every week! A big thank you to everyone involved!!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_21

My daughter asked me to draw a ninja, so I drew one for her. For some reason she got upset so I must've missed something.

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_2223

Deadlines this week are tight. Sorry to all my staff. Gotta hustle.

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_24

Hinomaru Sumo volume 25 is now on sale!! This time Sosuke is on the cover! Thank you for your support!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_25

A little late to the game but happy first year of Reiwa. I'm going to do my best in the Reiwa era as well!!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_26

I forgot to put Reina's father's name in! I will fix it in the print version (does anyone care?)

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_27

I tried to attend a nursery school event but all of the other dads avoided me...

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_28

Congrats to Asanoyama on the win! First victory without sanyaku (top 3 ranks in sumo) experience in 58 years!? Wow!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_29

I recently started following pro wrestling again and the Best of the Super Juniors tournament was amazing!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_30

I'm so honored to be published alongside Kinnikuman! ... is what I wanted to say last week but I totally forgoooot!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_31

Hinomaru Sumo volume 26 will be published in print next month on the 4th! Thank you for your support!!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_32

Volume 6 of the anime Blu-ray & DVD is now on sale! Find out what happens after graduation too! Don't miss out!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_33

This week was another crazy one... we're always down to the wire, but I'm so thankful to my staff who always come through somehow!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2019_34

Thanks to your support we were able to continue the series for 5 years! Thank you all so much!

Hinomaru Sumo


WSJ 2023_29

I’m Kawada! I’m gonna treat this as my first serialization and do my best! Thanks for the support!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_30

Okay, I shouldn’t think of this as my first serialization. I should use what I learned from my previous series and do even better!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_31

There was an error in chapter 1. Sparkling?! Was I talking about water?! I’ll fix it in the graphic novel release.

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_32

This time I want to pay attention to my health while I work on my series. My shoulders and back already hurt though!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_33

Fifty-five years! Congratulations! Wow! I hope to still be here for the 56th!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_34

Koike-san, who was my first editor, is back at Shonen Jump ! I better show off all my improvements!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_35

I stay working in a cooled room all the time and then get so surprised when I go out. It’s hot!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_3637

Congratulations to Hoshoryu on his win and promotion to ozeki. Your expression during the exciting senshuraku pumped me up!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_38

I was teaching my daughter how to ride a bike when we got soaked by a sudden downpour. Well, that was fun too.

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_39

I’ve been creating this series fully digitally. It’s really convenient, and I don’t think I can go back to pen and ink.

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_40

My assistants are now working completely remotely, and sometimes I get a little lonely.

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_41

I’m still playing Jumputi Heroes after all this time. Add more Hinomaru characters, please! Guess that’s not possible!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_42

There’s a voiced comic of the series on YouTube! Thank you! Please check it out!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_43

I worked just as hard as I did on my previous series on extras for the graphic novels. I included some commentary too!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_44

Volume 1 goes on sale 10/4 in Japan! There’s lots of bonus art! Please check it out!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_45

Since very few people visit my studio these days, it gets messy real fast if I let my guard down. Not good!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_46

They removed the size limits in sumo. Hinomaru Sumo has become something of the past.

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_47

It was cold and then suddenly hot again. What the heck am I supposed to wear?!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_48

I got an upset stomach! Thank goodness it settled after a day! I shouldn’t have eaten that shiny thing!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_49

At the cafe where I do my storyboards, I can see my daughter returning from school, and it gives me strength.

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_50

I (finally) played the popular Watermelon Game . What the?! It’s so fun I can’t stop! Uh-oh.

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_51

Since I’ve started working on the graphic novels, I don’t have much time to get to the gym. Crap! My stomach area!!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2023_52

Huh? Is my…chin split in two…? Was it always like this? Can it split from age…?

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2024_01

I put on some pants for the first time in a while, and the button blasted off. So yeah, you know what that means…

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2024_02

It might be due to age, but sitting up all night is so hard now. Humans need to sleep!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2024_03

My family got the flu! They were vaccinated, but it seemed rough. Take care, everyone!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2024_0405

Volume 2 releases on 1/4 in Japan! I did my best on it, so please check it out. Wishing everyone a happy New Year!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2024_0607

Happy New Year! Volume 2 is now on sale in Japan! Please check it out!

Martial Master Asumi


WSJ 2024_08

Thoughts and prayers to everyone involved in the earthquake disaster. I’m hoping for a speedy recovery.

Martial Master Asumi