WSJ 2021_10
I've moved to a full digital setup starting with this series. It's fun to discover something every time I draw.
i tell c

WSJ 2021_11
My two assistants are so good that we finish the manuscripts in less than three days. Thanks!
i tell c

WSJ 2021_12
I don't have a sweet tooth, but I like senbei rice crackers and Japanese sweets. Harimayaki rice crackers are delicious.
i tell c

WSJ 2021_13
Every time I look at it, I think that the album cover for Tokusatsu's Gonengo no Sekai (The World in Five Years) is so cool.
i tell c

WSJ 2021_14
Recently, I've been listening to Cocco while I work. I recommend her new song 'Shio Michinu' (The Tide Does Not Rise).
i tell c

WSJ 2021_15
I have no experience with having assistants, so my instructions are amateurish. How embarrassing. I want to say things like 'low-angle perspective' and 'birds-eye view'!
i tell c

WSJ 2021_16
I had a dream where Norisuke failed at an arranged marriage and asked, 'What is so wrong with me?!' Why?
i tell c

WSJ 2021_17
I try to make character names and their composition symmetrical. Even the cover art for the graphic novel is symmetrical.
i tell c

WSJ 2021_18
I've been using kanji characters for chapter titles that match up with the sound of the chapter number. Chapter 9 is 'Kyu,' which means 'revenge' and is a homonym of nine; chapter 8 is 'Ha,' meaning 'grasp' and is a homynym of eight; chapter 7 is 'Shichi'
i tell c

WSJ 2021_19
Volume 1 comes out on April 30 in Japan. I included a bunch of four-panel manga and other bonuses!
i tell c

WSJ 2021_20
I like director Ryan Murphy's work. His color choices are great. I especially like American Horror Story .
i tell c

WSJ 2021_2122
Until recently I thought that Don Patch and Jonouchi had the same voice actor. I listened closely and they're totally different…
i tell c

WSJ 2021_23
I live for the moment, so I can't understand living in a way where you say, 'Next week let's do this on that day!'
i tell c

WSJ 2021_24
I went shopping at the Muji store I used to work at. I love tea, so I can't help but pick up some cold-brew tea.
i tell c

WSJ 2021_25
It took a whole month for me to pick up a notebook that had dropped from my desk. I could have done it in three seconds, but I didn't.
i tell c

WSJ 2021_26
I changed the panel style and my pen settings for this chapter. I suddenly wanted to change things, so I did!
i tell c

WSJ 2021_27
I love hearing the insects at night in summer, but you can't hear much in Tokyo.
i tell c

WSJ 2021_28
My hometown community center had this statue of a seal (I think?) that I was scared of as a kid.
i tell c

WSJ 2021_29
The password in the chapter may be difficult, but it is solvable. Please give it a try when you have some free time.
i tell c

WSJ 2021_30
It was a short time, but thank you so much! Please check out the graphic novels, and hopefully see you soon!
i tell c
Kazusa Inaoka
WSJ 2021_09
Hello, it's Inaoka! Many new things are new, like art style and work environment, so I'll work hard!i tell c