WSJ 2022_25
I've been friends with Doron Dororon 's Oosuka since my student days. We're in Jump together! I'm so happy!
Super Smartphone

WSJ 2022_27
I went to the movie theater for the first time in a while! The big screen and audio were great!
Super Smartphone

WSJ 2022_28
The photos and videos of my nephew that I'm getting on the family chat are so cute. They give me life!
Super Smartphone

WSJ 2022_30
I'm still not used to drawing digitally, and I often get stuck on mysterious functions.
Super Smartphone

WSJ 2022_32
I've been stuck in my house since serialization started. I wanna go somewhere!
Super Smartphone

WSJ 2022_3637
It's summer, so I'd like to watch a ton of videos about large bugs and dinosaurs. So cool!
Super Smartphone

WSJ 2022_39
Lately I've been telling myself I need to exercise, and I end up going for a walk in this insane heat while playing Pokémon Go !
Super Smartphone

WSJ 2022_41
My recent guilty pleasure is buying a trading card pack and opening it every time I go to the convenience store.
Super Smartphone

WSJ 2022_45
I went home for the first time in a while and became energized from seeing my family's faces.
Super Smartphone
Kentaro Hidano
WSJ 2022_23
I have a serialized series once again! I'll do my best. I appreciate the support!Super Smartphone