WSJ 2019_11
I can't get over this cold! I've been sick for over three weeks. Is the bug strong or am I just weak?
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_12
My previous editor became a dad! Congrats! Please introduce me to your baby if you get the chance!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_14
I received come Todoroki soba and some character shichimi spices. I really like the Deku spice. I put it on rice.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_15
There was a My Hero quiz in David-kun! I was so happy! Thank you so much, Kuroki Sensei!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_16
Every week I draw while playing movies that look like they might help me with my work. This week is Frankenstein's Army. Next week too.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_17
I've been watching the YouTube fishing show Tsuri Yokadesho. They caught a stray cat, and now they're unbeatable! So funny!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_18
This week's chapter is pretty gruesome, but I was able to do a collabo with Toho! I'm so happy I got to draw a kaiju! These are the moments I live for!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_19
I received the sample for a figure that will be sold overseas. It's so articulated! I hope they sell them in Japan too!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_20
There's time when you're having so much fun cleaning that you can't stop, right? My chair is so shiny now.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_21
I'm excited for the model of the 1995 Gamera coming from MonsterArts. I'll finally have all three versions from the Heisei era.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_2223
I received an art contribution from Akutami Sensei for volume 23! I'm so happy! It goes on sale next week in Japan! Please check it out!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_25
I saw Endgame. I'm glad I got to see it in theaters. I'm really looking forward to the Thor figure.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_26
I was helped a lot this week by the music of Yellow Studs. Having the perfect music playing makes things a lot easier!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_27
A reader made me a handmade Slidin' Go figure. I laughed out loud at the choice! So happy!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_28
My younger sister gave birth. You did great! You're amazing, my sister! And your husband is great too! Congratulations!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_29
Tsukuda-san, Saeki Sensei, congratulations! It's gonna be sad without you. I'm looking forward to the final chapter!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_30
I'm a bit late, but I've been so excited about the news of the Akira live-action movie. That's been my workweek.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_33
It's the 5th anniversary chapter, and it's still all about the villains. I'll keep working hard and savoring the happiness of being in Jump!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_34
The movie It Comes is so good that I'm watching it endlessly on repeat. Wish I had seen it in theaters.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_35
I never would have made it this far without Hinomaru. Congratulations on the conclusion of your series, Kawada Sensei.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_3637
My Hero has received a lot of inspiration from Kinni-kun, so I'm so happy with the Monster Strike collabo commercial.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_38
I want to get my hair cut, but it always feels like I can't spare the time. But now I'm realizing my hair's down to my shoulders.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_40
The star just above the front leg of Canis Major is now named Endeavor.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_41
I found out I can't use lyrics to a certain Christmas song, so I changed it to 'La la la.'
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_42
I was waiting for a call at night when my phone suddenly broke. I rushed over to the Docomo store, and they got me a replacement phone two minutes before their closing time.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_44
My friend Peppe Sensei has a new series in Spirits magazine, and he's on Terrace House! Amazing!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_45
My dream of being in the same issue of Jump as my mentor Tanaka Sensei has come true! I can't believe it!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_48
Sorry about this week's chapter. I'm gonna take a break and come back strong!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_50
I had to hold myself up from falling down when I slipped on my carpet, and now my muscles are all sore.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2019_51
I caught a cold but got better after taking some Pabron medicine. It really works to take it immediately!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_01
I'm so excited about the Spider-Man: Noir limited series coming out next year!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_02
The super-spicy curry was so spicy that I started crying. It reminded me of Food Wars!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_03
The movie opens this week in Japan! I'm so excited! Will I be able to make it to opening night...?
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_0405
It's gotten really cold. I've gotten sick a lot this winter. My throat still hurts.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_08
The comedy duo Kaerutei is really cracking me up. It's been a while since my stomach hurt from laughing so much.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_09
I always get the request for the table of contents and reply with 'Here are my comments for the back of the magazine' and send it over. Neither side wants to change the routine.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_11
It's super delicious when you put Jagariko chips in curry noodle soup. I should get the patent on that.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_12
I had something called cheese coffee for the first time. It was a new taste and delicious!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_14
I want to draw Mirko for another 30 weeks, but I also want to advance the plot. First world problems?
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_15
Team Up Mission volume 1, Vigilantes volume 9 and My Hero Academia volume 26 are now on sale in Japan!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_16
I received an insane amount of chocolate and fan mail. I'm so happy. I'll keep working hard!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_17
I got a handpan because I really like the sound. I just hit it randomly, but it makes me feel good.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_19
I had a dream where I was running and got stung by a Ray Stinger from behind. I wonder why?
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_20
I was moved by the Howa dharma talk at a funeral. I did an internet search because I wanted to hear more of it and found the H-1 Grand Prix. I want more.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_2122
I got Landorus as a reward, and he sucked away like 20 berries. How is this a reward?
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_23
I participated in having a drink online with a group of people. I was still working on my pages though, so I couldn't drink.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_24
Congratulations, Gotouge Sensei! Thank you so much for a wonderful manga. You are a legend!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_25
I've switched to doing the final touches digitally since page 19 of the last chapter. I'll work hard to get used to it soon.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_26
I want to take classes at the Jump School of Manga too. I'm jealous of everyone who gets to do it.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_27
I spent two hours crying from both joy and sadness. Is there something wrong with my autonomic nervous system?
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_28
But I told you to never end it!! Congratulations, Demizu Sensei, Shirai Sensei!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_30
I can't be the only one who watched Beastars and then went out to buy an egg sandwich.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_31
I messed up how Gran Torino refers to himself in Japanese. I mixed him up with Professor Agasa.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_3334
I was glad I was able to do battle in Jump with Furudate-san. Congratulations on the conclusion of Haikyu!!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_35
It's Tentacole, not Tentacle. Sorry to the readers, Shoji and Yaoyorozu for making this error in the Japanese version.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_3637
The mechanical pencil I've been using for over ten years is on its last legs. I'm sad because they no longer make these.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_40
Revoltech Deku is out! I've been daydreaming about my characters being revoltech-ized since I started my first series!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_42
Editor change! Let's go to the movies again, Yoritomi! Welcome to the team, Taguchi!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_43
When things are rough, I listen to Mana Ashida's 'Fight!!' I listened to it all week.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_44
Wasn't it still August just yesterday? How is it almost the end of September? Time is passing too quickly.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_45
I just learned about the Anima Gear toys. They've reminded me of the days I was super into Bio Puzzler, and now I'm hyped!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_46
I'm sorry for taking a break! I can't say anything yet, but I'm drawing a lot. I should be able to announce it soon…
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_48
It suddenly got cold, so I started playing Syrup 16g. I like listening to it when the temperature drops.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_49
I shook the container of tea while forgetting that the lid was loose. I felt the calming flavor of tea leaves cover my entire face.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_50
Sorry for needing to take a break again. I really don't want to…but please be patient.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2020_52
Sorry for being late, but I'm so happy to get to read Shimabu Sensei's manga again!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_01
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the votes and the birthday wishes. I'm truly blessed.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_02
It was a fresh and revolutionary manga every week. Thank you, Chainsaw Man !
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_0304
I was always motivated by Tsutsui Sensei's passion for manga. Congratulations on concluding your series!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_0506
One thousand! This week's Jump is like the Thousand Sunny ! Looking forward to reading more and more!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_07
I was super excited for The Mandalorian season 2. I was so excited it got a bit out of hand. Wow!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_08
I found 1,371 yen while cleaning my room. It reminded me of Dragon Quest .
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_09
Even though there's an age gap between us, my editor and I talked about SD Gundam and Beast Wars ! Amazing!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_11
Sorry for the continuous high humidity of the story line. It might be just about right if you read it with a dehumidifier.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_12
Tanaka Sensei's Summer Time Rendering has concluded! And it has an anime! And a live-action adaptation! Awesome!!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_13
All my figures in the house fell over forwards. I almost used a whole tube of Aron Alpha instant glue.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_14
I drew a superlarge illustration for the exhibit! It's a piece that is meant to be seen in person, so please check it out!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_15
I wanted to see the dubbed version of The Cell , so I bought the DVD. Turns out I don't have a player in my room. Too bad.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_16
The Fourth's Quirk is Danger Sense…isn't it? I spelled it wrong in Japanese two weeks ago. Sorry.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_17
I finished Eva with Akutami-san. I couldn't have done it alone, but the power of two is amazing!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_19
I'm so sorry for last week! My body, mind and skills weren't cutting it! I'll come back stronger!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_20
I had a dream where I was playing with a cat and I was so happy, but when I woke up I realized I had overslept by three hours and was overcome with dread.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_2122
My hair has grown so long that I look just like Zashiki Onna. I need to gain some weight.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_23
I put on a pair of pants I rarely wear, and there was 4,000 yen in the pocket. We're having eel tonight!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_24
I learned you could bend bullets from the movie Wanted . Thank you, Angie!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_25
I'm already hyped for the next Venom movie. I've been eagerly awaiting the appearance of Carnage!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_26
I was so happy to find someone I used to know online on Twitter. Toratsugumi comes out June 4!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_27
Lately I've been finding time here and there to work on my sketching. I'd like to be more free with my art.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_28
I often make mistakes with button placement for men and women, so just assume the clothes are unisex.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_29
I forgot to fix Yaomomo's line in volume 29. His name is Tentacole. Sorry.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_30
Kawaguchi Sensei, who helped on My Hero , has a new series starting! Personally, I think this is the most attractive art out there right now! I'm excited!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_32
I grew up being influenced so much by FF9 , so I'm hoping for a perfect anime version. Can't wait!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_3334
The name Deku comes from the poem 'Ame ni mo makezu' (Be Not Defeated by the Rain). That's why the art has featured so much rain recently.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_35
I can't believe this series has continued for seven years! It's thanks to all of you. Thank you for reading.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_38
Seeing people read Jump in the store still makes me feel nervous. This time they were reading Black Clover .
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_39
I want to paint my Razor Crest model… But if I start, take it away from me, Taguchi-san!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_40
I fell asleep listing to Aoi Yamazaki's 'Sabasaba' (mackerel) and dreamt about preparing tuna. So close!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_44
I used vinegar all over my bathroom and vanquished years of filth. It felt so good.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_45
I'm so glad we got to make season 5 and the movie. And now season 6! I'm looking forward to Mirko.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_46
I'm sorry for all the breaks. My schedule is a mess. I'm getting back on track.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_48
I got scared because I got carsick and it lasted for five days. It ended up having nothing to do with cars.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_49
Good job, Kawaguchi Sensei. Once things calm down, let's go out for dinner. I look forward to your next series!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_50
I like inking, but I recently realized that I'm not good at it. I learn something new all the time.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2021_51
It's getting really cold now, so I just want to spend my time listening to Syrup16g.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_02
All of my editors through the years got together and took me out to eat. I was so happy.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_0304
I'm so happy with how fun my drawing tablet is. I want to keep messing around with it forever. I'll still be drawing when I'm an old man.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_07
I think I'm about to be awakened to the fun of being on a call while working, so I'm looking for a partner. I'm gonna become an on-call geezer.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_08
My room is buried in paper, so I had planned to do a major cleaning to start the year.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_10
I watched Spider-Man ! I never thought my favorite movie of all time would change at my age.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_11
I played Smash Bros . for the first time in a while, but my fingers still remembered the Falco combo. Nicely done, fingers!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_12
Monoma's character design is based on Dane DeHaan from Amazing Spider-Man 2 .
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_13
My bishojo figure collection is a little embarrassing, so I keep it in my refrigerator. The lighting is good.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_14
Constantly in a state of being excited! Thank you so much, Inagaki Sensei and Boichi Sensei!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_15
I drew this chapter while thinking it'd be nice to have lots of hands. I want lots of hands.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_16
I'm starting to no longer get hungry. I'm close to evolving into a perfect life-form.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_17
I'm still using a student desk. Recently the drawer broke and fell off. It sure has lasted a long time!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_2122
I've been struggling with my ears discharging fluid, and now I'm hit with allergies. My entire head is a total mess.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_24
I was embarrassed when my friend said I was wearing the same clothes as the last time I saw him two years ago. I better buy some clothes.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_25
I returned a crossbow that I had bought. I thought it would help as reference material, but I didn't use it at all.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_26
I adopted a cat, and my life has suddenly gotten better. Thank you, Café Komaneko!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_27
My hair has grown so long I look like an endgame villain. Even though I'm probably the weakest in this city!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_29
The high frequency cutter I bought for the previous chapter just arrived. What should I cut?
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_30
Editor change! Taguchi-san, let's go eat some meat. Imamura-san, let's do our best together from now on.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_31
I was working while watching Sui Ishida Sensei's drawing stream, and I feel like my art got better!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_33
My former assistant Fushimi Sensei is doing the art for Verbellum: Kotoba no Sensou , which now has volume 1 on sale in Japan!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_35
I wish my body would stop using this system of telling me I'm sick with stomatitis. Please.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_3637
Only the dentist still treats me like a kid. They gave me so much painkiller.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_38
I bought the TabeGirl art book I've been interested in. It'd be so fun if I could draw like that.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_40
I had a lot of Baskin-Robbins ice cream delivered and played ice cream shop by myself.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_43
The anime starts this Saturday! I can't wait! Let's all watch it together!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_44
I was grilling some Pacific saury, and the kettle I had on the burner melted. I'll be more careful next time.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_45
It's been about ten months since I said there was only about a year to go. I'm sorry.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_48
The Jump Manga Award account is amazing. So many resources. I wish I'd had it when I was a student.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_49
I'm so happy with how much my family enjoyed the collabo with FamilyMart.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_51
My editor promised to take me to the movies. I gotta free up some time!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2022_52
I went to Shueisha for the first time in a while. I got to talk to a lot of people and had fun.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_02
My beloved mechanical pencil broke. Thank you, Regalia 500. Nice to meet you, Regalia M.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_0405
This is my third fantasy color spread. Villager Deku joined his childhood friend's bandit brigade.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_0607
My shoulders hurt so much. If it was gonna hurt this much, then I wish I never had shoulders.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_09
It’s been cold, so I’ve been playing syrup16g. Their new album is great.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_12
So sorry for taking two weeks off!!! I’ll be Plus Ultra-ing it from now on!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_13
I used the Zebra mechanical pencil fixing service and received a warm message and a replacement.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_14
The felt doll of a female citizen that I received from a fan was almost attacked by my cat. That was close!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_18
I’ve been listening to Aurora nonstop since discovering her last month when she came to Japan. It was love at first sight.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_20
I assumed all manga artists or aspiring manga artists read Akira and Berserk .
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_23
I got knocked out from food poisoning. My only thoughts are “I’m gonna hurl!” and “I should hurl!”
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_24
I’m eating a ton of almonds and peanuts. I feel like my intestines are doing better.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_25
Watching soccer has allowed me to understand how to draw legs a little bit better.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_27
I’ll be taking another break. I’m so sorry! I’ll be strong for the final sprint!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_29
Hanninmae no Koibito and Skip and Loafer are manga series that I’m currently enjoying. I wish I could read them forever.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_30
Fluid was dripping out of my ear, but it finally stopped. My ear was dying. That was close!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_32
I’ve started wearing Japanese-style clothing. It feels like I sit up straighter.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_33
Congrats to Jump on its 55th anniversary! I’m so happy to be a part of its history.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_34
I’m drawing each scene while listening to music that would match it. I feel like music is always helping me.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_3637
I started walking three times a week for my health, and now I have a bomb about to go off in my knee. Talk about lose-lose.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_38
It should be a requirement that manga artists are shown how much fun and joy the young boys and girls are having at the Jump Victory Carnival.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_39
It should have been Tsukuyomi instead of Dark Shadow!! I’m so sorry, Tokoyami and All Might!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_40
Salt and lemon candy is delicious! I want to eat a bunch of them and become a salt and lemon candy!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_42
I dreamed that Toshiro Mifune did the Reverse Lotus on me. What I had watched that day was well reflected in my dream.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_43
I received a star-naming gift for Jeanist. We might be able to create some constellations soon.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_44
I was thinking how manga is great because you don’t need electricity to read it. My phone ran out of battery while I was out.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_46
While I was drawing Toga’s arc, I discovered that your fingers open when you feebly lay your hand flat from the wrist.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_47
I was surprised by how it got cold so suddenly. I had to put together my syrup16g playlist.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_48
I met my old editor for the first time in forever. I was so happy. I’m glad he’s doing so well.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_50
Volume 39 is now on sale in Japan! I doubt I’ll ever get to release another volume 39, so I better say it now— “San kyu”!
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2023_51
One sip of alcohol and my heart almost exploded, and I was so weak. Booze is scary.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2024_01
There was a kanji error under the cover in the Japanese version of volume 39. Not the best, but oh well.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2024_02
I love Jump . So much has happened, but I will always brag about how I was a part of its history.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2024_0405
This series has been going on forever, but I still get letters from elementary and middle school students. It makes me so happy! Thank you.
My Hero Academia

WSJ 2024_08
My thoughts are with everyone who suffered from the disaster. I’ll do anything I can.
My Hero Academia
Kohei Horikoshi
WSJ 2019_10
Volume 22 is out soon in Japan and it's extra special! An amazing work by Ashihara Sensei, a beautiful piece of art by Betten Sensei and even some 4-panel manga from Akiyama Sensei!My Hero Academia