WSJ 2021_32
Rearranging my room and setting up all the desks and chairs for my assistants as I prepared for the serialization was rough!
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_3334
I've done it again… The main lines in my art are done with a Japanese fine-point brush, and I often ruin the brush by forgetting to wash it.
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_35
In high school I used to walk to school along the Kamo River while studying for tests and reading manga.
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_3637
Takara Takanashi Sensei, who is providing me with research material, actually runs up mountains in bare feet.
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_38
I poked at my frozen rice and broke my chopstick. I then ate the rice with the broken chopstick.
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_39
I can't respond to all of them, so let me just thank everyone here for sending me fan mail. It keeps me going strong!
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_40
My deadline was looming, and when I pulled out a new fine-line pen, it was a brown color. My other spares were also brown.
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_41
The number of my recorded TV shows has reached its capacity. The Dash Mura special got cut off. Dash Mu—
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_42
I want to go to the supermarket…is what I kept thinking, and now summer is over. I wanted to buy tons of ice cream.
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_43
As a person who can't even go out to buy a trash bag, I have nothing exciting to write here.
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_44
I think the geta sandals I've been wearing since high school are so worn down that they're slanted. I've lost two centimeters!
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_45
I've come to like coffee now. I use it to start my engine in the morning. And ruin my stomach.
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_46
My family dog has been called up to heaven. It was so sudden. I wanted to change my mood, so I grabbed some scissors I had around and cut my hair.
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_47
I was talking to my assistant about splitting Jagarico potato sticks in two before eating them, and then they bought some for me.
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_48
I filled my bathtub up for the first time in a while, and a ton of water spilled over. I want to move to a house where the tub fills up automatically.
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_49
I love my mom's rice balls. They're especially good right after she makes them. And her grilled rice balls are even better!
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist

WSJ 2021_50
Thank you for all the support! Extras and behind-the-scenes stuff will be included in volume 3. I went for a run for the first time in a while, and now I can't move!
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist
Minya Hiraga
WSJ 2021_31
Digital publishing didn't include author comments so I'm happy I get to participate in these! Thanks for the support!Neru: Way of the Martial Artist