WSJ 2020_2122
This happened last year, but I saw a jewel beetle for the first time in a neighborhood park. It was very pretty.

WSJ 2020_23
I just barely got a 1,700 rating on Smashmate this season again. Reaching 1,800 seems so far away… Save me, Mario…

WSJ 2020_25
I was building a super sento public bath on my island, and then my week off was suddenly over. What a terrifying game.

WSJ 2020_26
A normal rhinoceros beetle is really weak against heat. Never put them close to fire.

WSJ 2020_27
Is there currently any character you should avoid fighting more than Mario? There isn't…? Somebody…help…

WSJ 2020_28
It's been a year and a half, and I'm too embarrassed to admit that my toughest opponents are Dedede and Simon/Richter.

WSJ 2020_29
Someone really wanted to see me perform my special talent, spinning plates, at my studio. I did it, but I expected a better reaction…

WSJ 2020_30
The thing in Oki's mouth in this week's chapter is a straw, not a cigarette. Since he's a butterfly…

WSJ 2020_31
I dream of someday matching up with figure skater Shoma Uno as we run through the wasteland.

WSJ 2020_3334
We held an arm-wrestling tournament at the studio. For some reason I was super confident. I finished last.

WSJ 2020_35
We have a lot more food delivery options to the studio now. The popular ones are Yume-an, Gusto and CoCo Ichi.

WSJ 2020_3637
Today is 7/29 and I'm 30 years old in two days? No waaaaay!! I'm grateful for everything that happened during my twenties.

WSJ 2020_38
I love walks in the summer. You know, the expanse of blue sky weighs so heavy on our backs.

WSJ 2020_39
Yeah, listening to 'Megalovania' while doing Smashmate during the week off is the best!

WSJ 2020_40
I bought AirPods Pro earbuds… I haven't bought anything this expensive in years, so it still makes me nervous every time I put them in my ears.

WSJ 2020_41
Why is my Mario so crude? He just gets close and unleashes attacks… I want to be more polished.

WSJ 2020_42
I only seem to write about the food I recently ate from 7-Eleven… The cold pork noodles were delish!

WSJ 2020_43
It's hard to move your opponent. Not even throwing 100 fireballs works. I want to throw Bob-ombs.

WSJ 2020_44
I played Mario Sunshine for the first time in a while. I'm terrible at platforming now. Is this age?

WSJ 2020_45
EPI is my only source of joy each week now. Watching Smash Bros . tournaments is so fun!

WSJ 2020_46
The Gusto restaurant in my neighborhood is closing?! I can't even count how many times I've been there. I'll miss you!

WSJ 2020_47
I can't get a single online win with my Steve. But just moving him around is fun on its own.

WSJ 2020_48
I have nothing to talk about besides convenience stores, Matsuya and Smash Bros. ! I ate the shrimp chili lunch set today.

WSJ 2020_49
I love natto, and I make sure to eat a pack a day. Put mustard on it. It's delicious!

WSJ 2020_50
I keep buying spicy cup noodles. Then I regret buying them as I eat them. Then I buy more.

WSJ 2020_52
My assistant who mains Min Min has made it into V.I.P. mode. What terrifying talent…

WSJ 2021_0304
A had a meal at my parents' home for the first time in a while. The kenchin soup was super delicious.

WSJ 2021_0506
Congratulations on a thousand chapters of One Piece ! We've got a beetle connection on the cover!
Tomohiro Hasegawa
WSJ 2020_20
I'm Hasegawa! This is the story of a family and an insect. Hope you enjoy it!Moriking