WSJ 2019_41
I was in the basketball club from grade school through college. My first-ever printed manga was about a streaker!
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2019_42
I don't know what this means, but I want to draw a manga that's like Othello with rainbow colors.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2019_43
I haven't cut my hair in forever, and it's got to be slightly longer than the average middle-aged Japanese woman's hair length.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2019_44
My editor and I recently started having our weekly meetings in a Torikizoku restaurant, and it feels totally natural.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2019_45
This is a lie, but this summer my liquid intake consisted solely of milk tea boba.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2019_46
My home and work studio is the same place. A zero-minute commute! I wake up and I'm at work! It's great!! I want to go far away!
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2019_47
Does it feel like there's two chapters in this week's issue? It may be the work of an evil spirit...
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2019_48
I haven't cut my hair in forever, and it's now slightly longer than the average middle-aged Japanese woman's hair length.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2019_49
The NBA season has started! I'm probably not the only NBA fan who's never been more excited for a season.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2019_50
Can't wait to see the movie Explosive Baby Buggy! Too bad this movie is just a figment of my imagination...
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2019_51
Senaka Jefferson's new single 'Thoroughbred Ulcer' is great! Too bad it's just a figment of my imagination!
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2019_52
The meat skewers created under the direction of skewer researcher Kinshiro Nidozuke are both delicious and a figment of my imagination.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_01
I woke up and looked in the mirror and saw the Dada monster from Ultraman in there. It was me.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_02
If my deductions are accurate, it's gonna be a cold winter this year. Just like always. Take care, everyone.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_03
I'm tired so I'm just gonna close my eyes for five minutes' is a spell that puts me to sleep for an hour. That's a lie! Two and a half hours.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_0405
I had trouble getting out of bed this morning. I chose to go back to sleep instead of getting up...52 times! Ba-dum tish!
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_0607
My friend Comic Jackson has a serialization starting in Sunday. This oneā¦isn't a figment of my imagination.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_08
Isn't food delicious? And drinks too? Being alive is so nice.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_09
Happy New Year! I know I'm doing this at the wrong time.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_10
Being at the New Year's party was like a dream. It should have been obvious, but all these people actually exist.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_11
Who's the person who decides how many vegetables a person should eat in a day? The Vegetable Prime Minister?
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_12
Working with the windows wide open wakes me right up. But my risk of catching a cold goes way up.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_13
The bathhouse on the title page, including the coloring, was done by my assistant Sakaguchi-san. It made me want to go to a public bath.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_14
My hair grew so much that I have the exact same hairstyle as the sphinx!
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_15
TZX is actually a character that someone created when they were in third grade. That someone was me.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_16
Remembering the Aiseki Shokudo episode with Sugi-chan makes me laugh so much that I can't keep drawing.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_17
I go to the CoCo Ichi restaurant at least once a week since the serialization started. Sometimes I go twice.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_18
Thanks for sending in all your spirit ideas. I appreciate each and every one!
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_19
I'm so sad that the NBA season got cut short, but I'll be looking forward to the day it can return safely
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_20
I suddenly want to go out for karaoke for the first time in a long time. I think it's been like ten years.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_2122
All I can do is work hard on my series and hope it brings peace and happiness to as many people as possible.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_23
Now all of my assistants are confined in their homes. Please be careful! I'm washing my hands a ton!
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_24
In order to build up my immunity, my plan is to proactively get more sleep from now on.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_25
I just want to play sports with a ball. Even a kendama is fine! Okay, I'll do kendama.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_26
Recently I'm sometimes hot and sometimes cold. I sometimes wear socks and sometimes don't. That's how my days have been going.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_27
PayPay is superconvenient, isn't it? I no longer need to carry my wallet around.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_28
Lately I'm addicted to watching Cambria Kyuden on TV Tokyo. Adults who take their work seriously are so cool.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_30
I've been watching Jaru Jaru comedy routines on YouTube. Amazingly hilarious!
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_31
Aren't hot eye masks great? It feels like the strain from my eyes is getting blasted away.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_32
My hair right now is basically the same as Whoopi Goldberg's from Sister Act .
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_3334
I've doing my rough drafts at Komeda Coffee so much that it feels like that's my studio.
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_35
The Kusuri no Fukutaro dog is called Fuku-chan. Then who's Fukutaro?!
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters

WSJ 2020_3637
My new series isn't miraculously starting next week, right? That's not the case? Roger that!
Mitama Security: Spirit Busters
Tsurun Hatomune
WSJ 2019_40
If asked whether I'm a creator or a reader, I'd say creator. I'm Tsurun Hatomune. Nice to meet you.Mitama Security: Spirit Busters