WSJ 2022_48
I just want to draw the final pages, but I just want to draw the final pages, but I just want to draw the final pages…
Hunter x Hunter

WSJ 2022_49
This is staff member Tanehana. I will be managing the comments from this issue on.
Hunter x Hunter

WSJ 2022_50
Staff member Tanehana, here. It sure is getting cold. Everyone, please take good care of your health.
Hunter x Hunter

WSJ 2022_51
Staff member Tanehana, here. Today is 11/9. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard. Thank you!
Hunter x Hunter

WSJ 2022_52
Staff member Tanehana, here. Are you ever looking for something and then you forget what it is?
Hunter x Hunter

WSJ 2023_01
Staff member Tanehana, here. We currently can't decide on a work method, and my boss is unbelievably happy.
Hunter x Hunter

WSJ 2023_02
Staff member Tanehana, here. The chapters running right now and the next 30 were all written four years ago, so I want to show what we are drawing n—
Hunter x Hunter

WSJ 2023_03
Staff member Tanehana, here. When thinking up what is actually on that paper, it made us feel ill, and—
Hunter x Hunter

WSJ 2023_0405
This is Togashi. I'm currently trying to figure out how to keep the manga going without causing so much stress to everyone who helps me out.
Hunter x Hunter
Yoshihiro Togashi
WSJ 2022_47
I remember us laughing about how both of our series had a jinx in our titles. May you rest in peace.Hunter x Hunter