Yusaku Shibata

Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_01

I'm back in Jump for the first time in five years! I'm super happy! I'm going all out and putting my passion on the page!


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_02

I found a really awesome place to get Chinese food in my neighborhood. Cheap, delicious and run-down. I love it!


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_03

So close to my favorite day of the year, New Year's Eve! I'm gonna drink so much beer.


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_0405

The preview to next year's MCU movie Black Widow was so cool! Can't wait!


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_0607

The baby Yoda thing from the Star Wars spin-off show is way too cute. What's up with that?!


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_08

I caught a cold on my favorite day of the year, New Year's Eve. I recovered a bit by listening to Hikawa's Dragon Ball Super song.


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_09

Volume 1 of Q Hayashida Sensei's new work Dai Dark came out in Japan. Hayashida Sensei with a series in space. I can't get enough!


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_10

The nice Chinese restaurant I found in my neighborhood has been closed since the New Year. No... It can't be...


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_11

I watched the Dorohedoro anime! The way Takagi-san gets into the Caiman role is amazing!


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_12

I started watching the Star Wars show The Mandalorian. A strong man and cute character traveling in the desert. Love it!


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_13

My assistant is wearing three jackets to keep warm. The thickness of three hoods is amazing.


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_14

I have an assistant who lives alone and refuses to lock the door when they go out. Please lock the door!


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_15

I'm hooked on Billie Eilish right now. I'll endlessly listen to 'bad guy.'


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_16

My best-looking assistant is K-kun. When he smiles you can see he's missing a front tooth. He's Yamcha!


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_17

The best part of my week is drinking a Yona Yona Ale after finishing my pages. The deliciousness reverberates through my brain.


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_18

I have found a new hobby! Using Google Street View to check out the houses where all my assistants grew up. It's like taking a trip!


Yusaku Shibata

WSJ 2020_19

It was just for a short time, but I was able to run at full speed. I'm gonna take a break and then sprint again!