Kouji Seo

Kouji Seo

WSM 2019_28

I'm looking forward to the Olympics!


Kouji Seo

Kouji Seo

WSM 2019_29

I found a really delicious and small restaurant in the neighbourhood. Since the menu changes for each school section, it seems nice.


Kouji Seo

Kouji Seo

WSM 2019_30

Watanabe Shizue got really mad when I mentioned I'm writing in a cheap laptop.


Kouji Seo

Kouji Seo

WSM 2019_31

I have been using the same pillow with memory foam for 10 years already and it has become a bit flimsy, so I bought a new one. Now I can sleep well.


Kouji Seo

Kouji Seo

WSM 2019_32

Whenever I am drawing manga, I always think about the comment I will write every week for the magazine. It is the best.


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Original Concept: MANGA Plus
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