Satsuki Satou

Satsuki Satou

WSS 2019_27

Fire Fighters. (TN- The term Satou uses specifically refers to an archaic kind of fire fighter from Edo.)

Youkai Giga

Satsuki Satou

Satsuki Satou

WSS 2019_28

That tune by Aki Yashiro.

Youkai Giga

Satsuki Satou

Satsuki Satou

WSS 2019_29

Akina Nakamori's tears. (TN- Nakamori is a singer, and Satou is probably referencing one of her singles "I'm not made of tears" released in 1984. There's a whole long pun going on here that I really don't have to space to explain, heh...)

Youkai Giga

Satsuki Satou

Satsuki Satou

WSS 2019_30

That person in my graduation photo changed suddenly.

Youkai Giga

Satsuki Satou

Satsuki Satou

WSS 2019_31

Any ice cream I can eat on a 39 degree (Celsius) day that feels like it's melting.

Youkai Giga

Satsuki Satou

Satsuki Satou

WSS 2019_32

Teflon manufacturer.

Youkai Giga

Original Concept: MANGA Plus
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